Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The month of June (and a little of May)!!!

Well here are a few pictures to show you what we did for the month of June. It was an eventful month as most months tend to be. As Luke's dad says, we are always on the go. Lisa (Luke's sister) has a Special Olympics day here in Rexburg so we went to that, but unfortunately I missed seeing her in the events she participated in but she did very well and we are so proud of her. We went down to Las Vegas at the beginning of June to see Laurel's baby blessed. He is growing so much and he is so cute! There is a sister picture with Hunter and then the proud parents and grandparents. Our family has just begun but we are excited to now be 10 people, soon to be 11 in my immediate family. That doesn't quite compare to Luke's 30 (soon to be 31) people in the immediate family. But we are just beginning.
Luke's sister Linda and Maggie threw me a baby shower in May and that was totally a blast. I got lots of neat things for our baby boy and it was SO wonderful to see friends from Utah that I haven't seen in awhile. It was fabulous and I really appreciate them for doing that for me!

We also went to Yellowstone in May and it rained and snowed the whole time. The buffalo tend to like to walk down the middle of the road and follow the yellow line (as if they are being tested for being drunk). It is quite funny and there is one picture of Luke eating a chip and the buffalo is just walking right by our car. It is quite fascinating. We also saw a white coyote and he was just walking along all the cars. The lake in Yellowstone was still a bit frozen over and looked somewhat like waves, it was very beautiful but still chilly and surprising for May. I mean it snowed! We thought this winter would never end, until June and July hit and now it is quite hot, but nothing like Mesa (which I am very grateful for).
Another thing we did was go to the Annual Air Show that Rexburg has with my dear friend Kelli and her mother. Unfortunately I forgot my camera but Kelli got some good ones, but I don't have them yet, so just imagine some cool old planes flying around. And maybe I will add them in later.
You will notice one picture of Luke with a paper with the world drawn on it. He has been on a RISK thing, ya know, the game Risk. He loves it and when we went to Vegas he decided that he wanted to play so much so he made his own game with my sister Aubrie and brother in law Nate. They never got to play however, but it was cool nonetheless. haha
The last two pictures are of my big belly. The blue shirt was week 34 and the gray shirt was this last week - week 35. I think I am growing and changed quite a bit in just the one week, but people still tell me how small I look for being due so soon. Well, the doctor says I am doing just fine and I think I just hold him inside more. I had my appointment last week and I am already dilated to a 1. I am not taking that to mean anything because I could be at a 1 for the next few weeks.... we will see what happens. Thanks by the way for all the wonderful advice you all gave about what to be prepared with. I appreciate it so much and you have somewhat calmed my fears. It still seems unreal this little guy will be here in a few weeks, but we are very excited and starting to put things together.

I will write again soon to tell you about the last two weekends... they were eventful and fun! Until then... adios!


Laurel said...

that gray shirt is so cute on you! It really shows off the belly which was my fav. part..since ppl always told me I didnt look far along either. :) Cant wait to see you in a few weeks...I am hoping he comes early like Hunter did so I can be there. :) Hehehe. Love ya!!!

Anonymous said...

Fun new posts. Loved all the updates and it sounds like things are great. We want to go to Yellowstone. That was a crack up that he made his own risk game. Good luck with the next few weeks.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

What cute pictures! You're the cutest preggo gal ever! I can't wait to see the pictures in your next coming weeks...exciting!

Carolyn said...

You are looking so cute! Good luck as it gets closer.

BrieAnn said...

You look great. Nobody could every believe how far along I was, but after I had Cora they couldn't believe I'd just had a baby...there will be some perks of all the time you spent justifying how far along you are and hearing all the "you must be having a small baby" comments. :)

Cora will be 5 weeks in 2 days and I still have 10 extra pounds hanging on, but I got down to those 10 extra pounds about 6 weeks after she was born.