Monday, December 22, 2008

U of I

Since Luke works for the University of Idaho... we like to advertise for them.

Over Thanksgiving

We had a very eventful Thanksgiving but had such a great time with my family. I always get homesick when I leave and am away from them. We went to Savior of the World, Body Worlds exhibit and the Joseph Smith movie in Salt Lake on Wednesday. We had Thanksgiving at my sister Aubrie's apartment and Grandma and Grandpa Forsyth also came. I made the wonderful pies. We had pumpkin cheesecake, lemon meringue, mixed berry, and chocolate. They were dang good. We also went shopping of course and took pictures on Black Friday. That night we took my parents on the "Polar Express" because my mom just loves that movie (and so do I). It was tons of fun and here are the pictures to enjoy some of it.

Crafts and the BYU games

We made gingerbread cookies this week.... they were dang good, I'd have to say. I am not that creative but I thought they turned out pretty cute. We also watched the bowl game where Lincoln was cheering for BYU... too bad they didn't win. We are trying to teach him earlier to like football and other sports. Also, here is the christmas card I made for this year, although it isn't as fancy as I would have liked, but I had to get it in the mail .Can anybody tell me why the colors mess up when I put these things on here?

Santa and trips

So the past few weeks have been very busy. We were gone for Thanksgiving and then we came back home for a few days only to leave again and go to Cascade, Idaho (very beautiful) for a work trip for Luke. Then came home for a day or two then off to Pocatello for another work trip for Luke. This week we have been home but I have had 3 dentist appointments, another doctors appointment, babysitting, trying to clean the house from the lack of it while we were gone, and a fussy baby (I think from teething). What a month... Christmas is almost here and we are so excited. Here is a photo with Lincoln and the "real" Santa. This guy starts to grow his beard out in July. He was awesome. Oh and another photo of Lincoln's first swimming experience.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

So proud!!!

We are so proud of our son. He has been able to roll for a week or more when we move his arms out of the way but as of Friday he is a roller all by himself (at least from tummy to back).

The little guy is also quite a chatter. This video is a mellow version of his chattering... Luke wonders where he gets it from... it isn't me!

Happy 4 years!

I can't believe Luke and I have been married for 4 WONDERFUL years. It only seems like yesterday when we were dating... We have done so much in 4 years like graduate from college, go to Mexico and Europe and countless other places in the US (i.e. Florida, Arizona, Colorado, Texas, Missouri, New Mexico, California, Oregon), moved a few times, had a baby. And yet our adventure still continues as Luke continues to find ways to make more money, I go back to school for nursing (starting the program in January), buy a house and definitely have more kids. I am so thankful for such a wonderful husband who does so much and is such a motivated guy. I love him to pieces. We are going to a dinner/show and sleigh ride tomorrow night, it should be fun. Here is a picture to reminisce.

Friday, December 19, 2008

A Christmas Poem

This is a little thing I wrote for work. As part of my job I write a little financial column every couple weeks for our little Rexburg paper here. Can you believe I get paid to just sit around and whip these things up?

A tale of two brothers, Harry and Ed McDougal.

Harry liked spending, but Ed was more frugal.

This Christmas Harry bought Ed a shiny new bugle,

But Ed spent more time searching, starting with Google.

Google gave Ed a few starting ideas,

“Perhaps I could give Harry a gift card to Maria’s,

Authentic cuisine, complete with tortillas,

With waiters who always say ‘Muchas Graci-as.’”

“Or maybe I’ll get Harry an i with a Pod,

Or maybe I’ll get him a new shiny hot-rod,

Or an Alaskan cruise where he can go fishing for cod.”

But then Ed realized that his thoughts were quite odd.

“I’m Ed McDougal, known for my thrift,

I don’t need to give Harry an extravagant gift,

He just needs to know I care,” he sniffed.

“But Christmas is coming, I need to be swift.”

Christmas morning arrived and Ed felt a little uneasy.

Ed worried that Harry would find his gift cheesy.

When Harry began to unwrap, Ed became queasy,

He tried a distraction, “Let’s go play some Parcheesi!”

But that morning Parcheesi was not to be played,

Harry opened his gift, at first a little dismayed.

“It’s nothing too fancy, it’s actually home-made,

I put together home movies from the 80’s decade.”

“I used a friend’s computer to make the DVD,

It’s from when we were kids, here, pop it in and see.”

Acid washed jeans, feathered hair, the old Atari,

Transformers, He-man and even ET.

“Man the 80’s hit us hard! This is true hilarity.

This is the best gift I’ve received,” Harry said with sincerity.

Christmas morning the brothers spent in solidarity,

But the brothers each had different future prosperity.

You see, Harry spent way too much on Ed’s horn.

He spent the next year in debt and forlorn,

“I haven’t felt so poor since the day I was born!

I have way too much debt from Christmas,” he did mourn.

“I need some kind of bailout just like Fannie Mae,

I’ve got an idea! I’ll cash out my 401(k)!

It was once worth 5 grand but worth only 9 dollars today,”

Harry asked Ed’s advice but Ed said, “No way, Jose!”

“I know that since Christmas you’ve been real low on money,

But cashing out now is a big mistake, sonny!

When you’re old you’ll be rich, it won’t even be funny!”

“Thanks Ed,” Harry sniffed, ‘cause his nose became runny.

“But I don’t know what to do to get rid of this debt,”

He wished he had not borrowed for the shiny cornet.

“Christmas debt is not good, Harry, don’t you forget,

There’s no way out of loans, except through hard work and sweat.”

Ed then showed Harry the interest on what he bought,

How it added up to much much more than he thought,

And Harry finally learned to do what he ought,

“From now on I won’t ever spend more than I got!”

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Tuesday, December 02, 2008


5 things I was doing 10 years ago: (Linda tagged me awhile ago and I still have yet to do this)
1. I was being a cool freshman in high school.
2. Had a crush on a senior... haha
3. I think reading Work and the Glory.
4. Getting my braces off soon.
5. Having the time of my life (sorry can't remember anything and my planner from 10 years ago is not to be found at the moment)

5 things on my To-Do list today:
(since it's midnight, I'll share what's on tomorrow's list)
1. Take Lincoln to his 4 month appointment.
2. Study for my final this week.
3. Babysit for Ryan.
4. Call stupid insurance and figure out this mess.
5. Pack for our trip to Cascade, ID.

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Cheese
2. fruit
3. Watermelon Jolly Ranchers
4. fudge brownie chocolate ice cream
5. Chips and salsa from cafe sabor

5 things I'd do if I were a millionare:
1. Invest & Save
2. Travel
3. Travel
4. Hire a chef
5. Buy a house

5 places I've lived:
1. Las Vegas, New Mexico
2. Provo, Utah
3. Los Alamos, New Mexico
4. Logan, Utah
5. Idaho

5 jobs I've had:
1. Construction work (all sorts) for my dad
2. Flower shop
3. Cafeteria worker
4. IT person
5. Switchboard Operator
6. Resident Assistant
7. Secretary
8. Substitute teacher

5 people I tag:
1. you
2. you
3. you
4. you
oh and
5. you

Monday, December 01, 2008

Linc's life, cute pictures

Lincoln will just fall asleep while we rock him with his arm straight out.

I just love these buns (and he just got out of the bath so he is clean)!!

He loves to dance naked in front of the mirror.

Dad and Linc watching some football!

He does this thing with his arms now... so cute!

A night after my class, I sure miss the guy when I am gone.

Just too funny!

This is his pouting face - it breaks my heart!

*** And these pictures are actually all more than a month old, I just forgot to hit publish.

Monday, November 17, 2008

First football game

This was Lincoln's first football game. Being the alumni that I am of USU, I got some free tickets to the football game against Hawaii. USU actually won!!!! That is amazing cuase they normally stink, but they didn't do to bad and the weather was amazing. It was like 65 or 70 degrees that day (on Nov. 1). This first picture is of Lincoln on the drive to Logan. He is such a chunk in his car seat, normally he doesn't look this chunky. haha:) He absolutely loved the football game but was so tired but it was so loud. He finally fell asleep on me, at least for a bit. Also, we took some photos of him and dad in the leaves and they are adorable! My boys are studly!

People, people... I need help. how do I get my pictures where I want them? I want them to be side by side and not stacked under each other.... AND
*** Don't forget to look at the adorable videos of Lincoln pulling my hair below!***

Thursday, November 13, 2008

laughing and thumb sucking...

Here are videos of Lincoln laughing out loud! He is just so cute. I have to help him along, so just ignore me and my goofiness. He has also started to suck his thumb this past week, and it is so cute!

PS- Sorry the one video is shaky but I was trying to get him to laugh and record it at the same time.

Tip Junkie!

Here is a site for a great give away!! Go find out what you can win!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Can I have some more?

Welcome to my life...

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

We voted!

Luke and I both voted... Luke did two weeks ago because he is out of town this week so he mailed it in and I went to the polls and voted today. I had a tough time deciding who to vote for and was still unsure as I was filling out my card, but I made my decision. Afterwords, I was wondering if I made the right decision and after watching both candidates speeches tonight I decided I did make the right choice. No matter who you voted for, isn't it great the milestone our country has just made. We have elected an African American and next it will be a woman (just not Clinton please... just kidding)! I am so proud of this country and am grateful to live in the USA and call myself a proud American! Oh and I didn't get a sticker... how rude, they didn't even offer me one, just said I voted!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

99 Balloons

What a sweet story this is! I cried when I first watched it so be prepared with the kleenex. It reminded me how much I love my son and how blessed we are that he is so healthy. This would be so hard to have happen to my own child and I count my blessings about Lincoln (even when he is quite fussy and crying). I thought I loved him a lot the day he was born but my love for him keeps growing and growing each day. I feel like I have a glimpse of how Heavenly Father feels about us.

***An update on this couple is that they just had a baby girl two weeks ago, so Eliot has a baby sister now.***

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Tonight was Lincoln's first Halloween. We were just going to dress him up with a few cute sleepers we had, but a friend of mine lent me this chicken outfit, so that is what Lincoln was and he was dang cute! Our ward had a trunk-or-treat so we dashed off to the church and gave away candy to all the kids and we even went around ourselves and got Lincoln some candy for later. We had a good night and Lincoln was so good. He fell asleep in my arms as I was walking around with him to fetch his candy. I guess it wasn't that entertaining.

I love my MUMMY!

Carving Pumpkins!

We carved pumpkins with our neighbors last week and unfortunately ours molded within a few days because Luke didn't want to put it outside so the freezing would keep it fresh. But we stuck it out there anyways, instead of throwing it away. It was called "Crazy Squirrel." Luke decided that he wanted to have a fabulous pumkin and that is what he came up with. This picture doesn't do it justice but Luke did a good job. It really was crazy!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

your blog?

I recently updated our blog but I am afraid I lost some of our friends blog info... so if you don't see your blog to the right, please let me know so I can re-add it... thanks guys!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

You Can Vote However You Like

Some of what these kids say is hard to understand but overall the message is loud and clear and I LOVE it! Apparently these kids are from the Ron Clark school.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


So, if you go to this site: you can enter to win a free giveaway. This is my friends site and she makes all these cool things... I thoroughly enjoy it... so have fun!